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How we address responsiveness

Regarding computers, tablets, and mobile phones, and the use of Media Queries and breakpoints to achieve acceptable responsiveness, digital magazines are somewhat special. This stems from two main factors; Firstly, every e-magazine is unique. The dimensions of the pages can vary from one customer to another. Therefore, achieving 100 percent responsiveness across platforms is impossible. However, since users can scroll or zoom the pages, this seldom poses a significant issue. Thus, a page's dimensions are always fixed, while surrounding responsiveness is essentially the only achievable aspect. This is crucial to consider if planning to publish a magazine exclusively in digital form, as it offers significant opportunities to influence the overall reading experience.

The second challenge is relatively recent. Previously, it was assumed that there were three types of devices to consider: mobile phones, tablets, and computers, which generally shared common screen resolutions. However, as manufacturers of various portable devices now offer a wide array of sizes, dimensions, and resolutions for their products, adapting responsiveness for all these becomes increasingly difficult. E-magazine.store has concentrated on modern products with fixed standard resolutions, meaning older tablets, for example, might struggle to display content in landscape orientation. Yet, this is also not a significant concern since few users of handheld devices read e-magazines in landscape mode due to the reduced size of content, especially on mobile phones. Therefore, pages in portrait orientation will be the supported option on these devices, as it is the predominantly used view.

Take a look at the manual

We have strived to make our product as easy to use as possible, and you have likely already seen that in our instruction video. When you purchase our e-magazine creator, it also includes a manual that goes through the folder structure in a simple manner. Just so you don't have to wonder what it looks like, it's available for reading here. We do not offer any additional manuals or instructions because they are not needed. We think it's unnecessary to complicate simple things without reason.

Custom Title Feature for index.html

Now we have added the possibility to add your own title to your index file.

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Updates and changes to the service

Currently, we are working on adding further enhancements to our e-magazine creator where you design your e-magazine and download your style templates. We gratefully accept suggestions for improvements and bug reports at support@e-magazine.store