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Readability vs. Effect Seeking

Reading digital texts in an e-magazine requires a different approach to content design and flow compared to traditional paper-based reading. E-magazine.store focuses exclusively on excellent readability and an easily accessible interface, tailored specifically for the digital format.

In the design and user experience of e-magazines, the use of so-called page turn effects, which mimic the physical act of turning pages in a book, is a well-known feature. While initially attractive and engaging, several reasons suggest avoiding this feature. One of the most technically advanced services, Textalk from Prenly has fully embraced this philosophy and does not use this effect in any of its products. 100% of Sweden's daily newspapers use Prenly.

The continuous use of page turn effects can diminish the user experience over time. What may initially feel like a charming detail quickly becomes repetitive and distracting from the content. Readers often seek efficiency and simplicity in their reading experience, and visual effects do not enhance any aspect of this. Although such effects can initially create a sense of sophistication or advanced design for the e-magazine, they rarely serve the actual needs of the reader or improve their engagement with the material.

Excessive use of graphical effects invariably increases loading times and demands more processing power, which can be problematic for users with older devices or slow internet connections. This limits accessibility and excludes a portion of the potential readership, no matter how small. Finally, an important consideration is accessibility. For users with visual impairments or other disabilities, these effects can complicate navigation and reading of the content. A cleaner and more direct presentation of the content benefits everyone, regardless of context.