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Take Control Over Your Files

Certainly, it's convenient to upload your files to a service that stores them for you. Yes, that's essentially what you're paying for - storage, as well as a database that keeps track of you being the owner of your e-magazines. However, be sure to check that your e-magazines are not locked to your provider, because what happens if you want to switch providers and your older publications are lost? Many don't think about this, which is entirely reasonable. Our service was partly started for this reason - archiving! That's precisely why our archive function became especially important and completely unique in its kind.

At the same time, we want to remind you that many subscription services cost as much as the expense of registering your very own domain name with an associated web host. So if you think that owning a domain is too expensive, it might not be in the long run. With your own domain, our service also provides you with an archive on purchase and full control over your files and your e-magazines.