Free E-book and E-magazine Creator!

Now you're thinking, nothing is truly free without a catch, limitation, or snag.
You're right when it comes to other services of this kind. But here, you won't have to worry about anything like that. This service is genuinely free. The only money that might come into play is what you decide to contribute yourself. You could choose to pay one dollar, ten dollars, a hundred dollars, or absolutely nothing. In other words, this service is even more advantageous than shareware because it comes without any limitations whatsoever.

The example below is just one of countless opportunities for personal design.
Click here for responsive mobile view. Then resize the window for tablet or desktop view.


This is what you get!

• Web-based design tool with intuitive interface.
• Login free archive. You won't find this anywhere else.
• Up to 365 e-magazines per folder with an unlimited amount of folders.
• Up to 365 pages per e-magazine. Single-page or spread viewing.
• User-centric responsive interface with reader-friendly Focus.

Publish in a few steps!

You might currently be on the world's fastest e-magazine creator. With our tool, we produce e-magazines daily in about a minute. It almost sounds too good to be true, but here's how it works: First, you create two files for your e-magazine on this website (index.html and styles.css). Then, you add them to the pages (the images) on your computer and upload everything to your web hosting following the manual you can download at the bottom of the page. You can read through it in half a minute. The CSS file (which contains your design) is created only once since you then reuse it for your upcoming e-magazines... if you want. The only thing you add is your pages and possibly change the number of pages in the index tool below. Then upload your project on your website or distribute them in other ways. However, if you ad an archive, you need to publish your e-books on a website.

This service is sponsored by, where you can purchase a service similar to this one, with a few exceptions. But on this site, all you need are your JPG images (pages), the two tools below, and your own domain. No complications.

So, go ahead and create and publish your e-magazines or your e-books now!

Step 1 - The CSS file

The Cascading Style Sheets file stores your design.
When you have played arround with our design tool, and you're satisfied with your creation, just click the red button below that generates your CSS file. (Let the file stay in your download location for now). NOTE: The design tool is developed for non-handheld devices in desktop mode, and is available for visual use as a sandbox on tablets in landscape mode.

Step 2 - The Index File

The index file stores all the basic functions.

Just fill in the fields and click the blue button to generate the file.
(Let the file stay in your download location for now).

Step 3 - The Folder

Download this zip file containing the folders and files required for your e-magazine to function. However, you will not need to do much with them. Simply follow the instructions in the manual on where to place your images, CSS and index file, and you will soon have your e-magazines up and running.